US citizens in support of Israel
Metropolitan Chicago
5247 Enfield Ave., Skokie, IL 60077

October 15, 2007

The Honorable George W. Bush
The White House
Washington, DC 20500
FAX 202-456-1461

Dear Mr. President,
I (we) are deeply concerned by the prospect of the Middle East Summit where the people of the Bible can be witnesses to activities with the goal to division of Jerusalem, to withdraw many dozen thousands of Jews from Judea and Samaria (historical parts of Holy Land) and to squeeze Israel into borders which are unacceptable for normal life in a sovereign State surrounded by evil-wishers.

This is specially true if one considers carefully the unpredictable situations:
1. In Gasa’s “Hamastan” and in Arab sectors of Judea and Samaria which is home to many different terrorist and extremist groups with a constant urgency to attack Israel and to kill its civilians.
2. In Iran, Lebanon (Hisbbalah) and Syria, there is open support for military aggressions against Israel. 3. Anti-Western anti-democratic attitude of most population in these countries and of most population under Palestine Authority as well.

Under such circumstances, a new “independent” Arab state would one way or another come under the influence of numerous inside and outside Islamic extremist movements. Like in Gasa and in Lebanon today it will be a shelter for fierce Jewish enemies who are settled next door to Israel, a State with jagged and hard to defend borders. Undoubtedly, it will lead to thousands of more innocent victims of extremist terror acts, and to ever-lasting military actions.

Arabs have almost two dozens of their own states and want more of them than the dialects they speak.
Arabs of Judea and Samaria are similar by language and customs to Arabs in Arab countries. With the assistance of the Western and Arab countries, Middle East countries can absorb most of the Arabs of Judea and Samaria the same way as Israel had absorbed 600,000 Jews from Arabs countries and several millions Jews from around the world.

Jewish people have endured thousands of years of living in exile, oppression and persecution.
The 20th century brought the latest tragedy to the Jewish people when millions of Jews had been shot, gassed and incinerated by the Nazi’s. Jewish people should not be drive away again from their ancestral homeland and their holy places.
For God’s sake, for Jewish and Arab people’s sake, The Promised Land should not be divided in two States.

We ask you and your Administration to make every effort to secure the right of the Jewish people to live in any part of historical homeland and to make the State of Israel not-fragmented a safely protected homeland for present and future generations of Jewish people.

Sincerely yours,

Уважаемые друзья Израиля!

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US citizens in support of Israel