24 октября в ресторане "Маэстро" в Норсбруке прошел прием белорусской делегации, которую составили руководящие работники вузов и видные бизнесмены, гостящие в Чикаго по приглашению USAID. Организовали эту дружескую встречу CIP (Council of International Programs) в содружестве с медиагруппой Kontinent. Гости из Белоруссии выступили с небольшой презентацией своей страны, а также с импровизированной культурной программой. Фуршет и напитки на любой вкус добавили непринужденности в атмосферу вечера.
Наш корр.

Организаторы встречи благодарят спонсоров мероприятия офисы адвокатов Roy P. Amatore, и Евгения Вайсмана, компании JRD Travel, Car Medix, Elite Motors, Intetics Co., водку "Русский стандарт" и др., а также фотографов Лану Абрамову и Криса Веста.

KONTINENT MEDIA Hosts Reception for a USAID –Sponsored Delegation from Belarus
Over eighty distinguished community leaders and guests Russian and none Russian speaking attended.

October 24, 2010
CONTACT: Leonard Mogul, Market Development Director
847-274-1648 or kontinentmedia@gmail.com

October 24, 2010, Northbrook, IL, Kontinent Media partnered with CIP (Council of International Programs) to welcome delegation of senior level university administration and business executives from Belarus. Over 80 distinguished community leaders and guests both from Russian and none Russian community gathered to welcome the delegation.

The reception was held at exquisitely decorated Maestro Restaurant in Northbrook on Sunday October 24, 2010 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. Attendees were treated to a brief presentation by Kontinent Media and CIP as well as the delegation. Several delegation members sang their national Belarusian songs. Attendees dined on Grande Hors D’oeuvres graciously sponsored by Law Offices of Roy P. Amatore, Elite motors, Car medix, Law Offices of Yevgeniy Vaysman and JRD Travel. Likewise a gratitude to our sponsors Russian Standard Vodka, Intetics Co. and premier champagne for sponsoring the wine and spirits part of the event. We would also, like to extend our appreciation to Lana Abramova and Chris West for their photos. Lyubov Borun and Irina Solovieva for design and Simo Design for printing.

Delegation consisting of senior level university administration and business leaders praised the efforts of the hosting organizations, for bringing together Russian-speaking and none Russian speaking Americans in its efforts to solidify the communities’ together.

Leonard Mogul, market development director for Kontinent Media, commented, “this was truly a wonderful event where sponsors, local businesses, and corporations collaborated together to make it happen.” Dr. George Palamattam executive director for CIP when referring to the success of this reception stated that “we are beginning to operate on a whole different level!”

CIP founded in 1960 to promote cross-cultural exchange between the U.S. and post war Germany, the Council of International Programs (CIP), has brought nearly 10,000 international professionals from 147 countries to the United States for practical training many of whom have come to Chicago. This training and exchange was sponsored by the Community Connections Program, managed by the Bureau for Europe and Eurasia at the U.S. Agency for International Development and administered by World Learning, designed to promote public diplomacy through the exchange of cultural ideas and values among participants, U.S. families and local community host organizations. It seeks to establish and strengthen links between U.S. communities and communities in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Serbia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.”

Photos provided by Lana Abramova and Chris West.